A-2 Technologies

How to register your

A-2 Technologies software

When you first run our software, you are presented with this message below. This message means that you are trying out the software, and the 45 day timer has begun.

A-2 Technologies Software Registration

Remember, you will need to do this process for each software program you have purchased! If you purchased the inventory program, then run inventory program and then follow the process below. If you purchased some other software, you will have to run the same procedure for each program you purchased.


For example, you will need to send us the registration form that is created for each of the software programs: inventory, electronic call sheet, time clock, lockers, or quotation program.


You should only send us the registration forms for the software you have purchased. If you send us the registration form for the inventory program, but you purchased something else, the registration codes will not work.


If you click the "Register Later..." button, you will move on to our software to evaluate the product. This allows you to try the software for up to 45 days, before you buy it.


Please note in the title of the menu, the amount of days you have left to register the product.


If you want to purchase the software, or already have purchased it through your bowling parts supplier, follow the instructions below.


Please note: You can only send us a registration form from the PC that you plan to use. If you send us a registration form from your home PC, the codes we send back will only work on your home PC.


Click on the "Register Now!" button, and you will be presented with this message.

A-2 Technologies Software Registration

First, you need to click on the "Create Registration Code" button, and a form will be displayed. Please fill out this form, and do the following:


 We will gladly accept your registration form by e-mail. You should save this file when you exit the form. The file name that will be created is called submit.txt. Please send us this file in your e-mail. If your PC does not have e-mail, don't worry. You can take this file home, and e-mail it from your home PC. (E-mailing the codes will result in unlock codes being sent ASAP)



Once you have sent us the form, we will send you unlocking codes. You will enter the unlock codes (that we send to you) into our software on the form above, by clicking on the "Enter Unlock Code" button.

A-2 Technologies Email


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A-2 Technologies
A-2 Technologies
A-2 Technologies Software Registration
A-2 Technologies Software Registration