When you received your CDROM, A-2 Technologies has included 5 software programs for you to try. You can try each software program for 45 days, before it expires and stops working. If you purchased one program (such as the inventory software), and you show proof of purchase, we will send you the unlock codes for the inventory software only. All of the other software was included on the CDROM, so you can play with it to see if you want to purchase it.
All of our software is compatible with Microsoft® Windows 7 through Windows 10 and requires you to register the software. All software sent out from A-2 Technologies requires you to register, and the software will run as a "45 Day Trial Period" until you register the software. The registration screen will show up the very first time you run the software. Please follow these instructions here
Can you install the software on more than one computer? You can install the software on as many computers as you wish, however, we will only send you one unlocking code per customer. This means the 45 day timer will expire on any additional computer you have installed the software. We offer special pricing for any customer who wishes to install the software on more than one computer in your center. Please contact A-2 Technologies for this special pricing.
If you received this error shown below, click here to find the solution.
Your vendor changed their prices:
What can you do when the vendors prices change every year? We offer a disk that will change the prices automatically for Brunswick, AMF, and Quality vendors. We currently have pricing update disks for USA & Canada. If you require a disk for special pricing from another vendor, contact A-2 Technologies for special instructions. Instructions for updating your prices are included with the price change disk you received from us.
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